Final PTA Meeting of the 2016/2017 School Year
Please join us for our final PTA Meeting of the school year on May 23, 2017, at 6 pm in the PES Multipurpose Room.
Agenda includes:
Nominations and voting for our 2017-2018 PTA Officers (see slate below, other nominations can be made during the meeting)
Fundraising Options for 2017-2018
2016-17 Year in Review
Special Presentation from our Music Department - Mrs. Easterling presents... A Bucket Drumming Performance by Mrs. D’Angelo’s 2nd & 3rd graders
Frozen Treats to celebrate a great year!
2017-2018 PES PTA Officer Slate
President - Amanda Klier Hi, I'm Amanda Klier, current Vice President of the PES PTA. With 4 kids, I realized early on that my kids needed me to be involved in their schools as an advocate for them and their peers. I have family members who work in the NC School System, and I have seen first hand that our teachers and staff also need our support. I believe that volunteering for the PTA or any other position in the school is what you make of it. Yes, it is a lot of work sometimes, but with many helping hands, we can make it easier and fun! We all have busy lives. Personally, I have a full-time job outside the home and my kids are involved in sports, dance and band throughout the school year. Some weeks it seems like we are barely at home. This year I have found time to serve on the PTA board with many other working mothers. In addition to making some great things happen at PES, I have made some great friends. Next year, I would like to serve as your PTA President to carry on the important work that we have started, and I hope I can do that with your support. I welcome new ideas and any volunteers who would like to join me on this quest. No amount of time spent supporting our children is too small.
Vice President - Amber Boyer Amber Boyer has been an active parent volunteer and PTA member at PES for the last 5 years. She has a daughter who is a rising 1st grader and a son who is a rising 5th grader. Amber recently became a preschool teacher, and she cares deeply about education and advocacy in schools. She and her family love Pittsboro Elementary and the fabulous staff and PTA! Amber is looking forward to being a part of the amazing PES PTA team, and focused on getting as many parents involved as possible in the coming year.
Vice President - Aimee Henderson Aimee Henderson has been an active supporter and volunteer with PTA over the last six years both a previous elementary and now PES. Her children include a rising Kindergartner, 2nd grader and 4th grader. After volunteering and supporting this years Staff Appreciation Week she feels strongly that she would like to be even more involved with the PTA in helping make PES an amazing place for our children to learn and grow. Aimee received her BFA in Music, Dance, Theater and has been teaching these subjects for over thirteen years thus is extremely comfortable addressing large groups, working with children and is a huge advocate for the arts in school. She is excited to bring and implement new ideas that can strengthen and support our already amazing PES PTA.
Treasurer - Doreen Messick Doreen Messick has been an active supporter of Pittsboro Elementary School for 2 years since her daughter, Sonia, began kindergarten. She finds PES to be a nurturing environment for children to learn, is impressed with the leadership there and is excited to have a more active role in the PTA. Doreen is originally from Michigan, attended Duke where she met Sonia's father Peter, then went off to Vanderbilt for medical school. After she and Peter completed their residencies in NYC, they returned to Peter's home town of Pittsboro. It is very special for them to watch Sonia attend her dad's alma mater (PES!). Doreen has held the role of Treasurer in other organizations starting in high school and all the way through medical school. Currently she works as a Internal Medicine and Pediatric Hospitalist. In addition to her clinical responsibilities she has the role of physician scheduler. This means needing to be very attentive to details since she is scheduling over 60 physicians and juggling all of their work preferences. She hopes that this attention to detail will carry through as Treasurer of the PTA. Doreen is looking forward to the opportunity to help the PTA continue to grow, thrive and support the staff and students at PES.
Secretary - Jessica Gibson Jessica Gibson has been involved with the PTA since last year, when her twin daughters (who will start second grade next year!) were in Kindergarten. This year she served as co-volunteer coordinator for the PTA and has volunteered for many of the wonderful PTA events at PES. She earned a B.A. in Political Science and a J.D. before deciding to get her Master's degree in Library Science and become a librarian instead. Jessica was a Reference Librarian at a public library when she became a mom, and although she is a stay at home parent now, she still tries to spend as much time as possible around books.