Hi Pittsboro Parents! This year’s main FUNdraiser is the Pittsboro Panda Fun Run- and it’s finally here! It’s a fun program that kicks off with a student Pep Rally on January 9, followed by a week of fitness and character development, and ending with a Fun Run on January 18.
Family and friends anywhere in the world can support our school by giving pledges toward the number of laps your student will run on the day of the Fun Run on January 18.
Our students will experience an amazing character theme, CASTLE QUEST!, an English castle theme all about being brave and living with character. On their quest to regain Bravemore Castle, students will learn the “SIX VIRTUES of a TRUE HERO” from a cast of colorful characters.
Families will gather pledges for every lap your student runs (30-35 laps) to meet our big goal of raising $10,000! Donations will go toward field trips, technology, and classroom supplies and to the entire 9-day experience.
[if !supportLists]1.[endif]Register on FUNRUN.COM on JANUARY 9.
[if !supportLists]2.[endif]Connect to sponsors—friends and family who can donate to help our school.
3. Cheer on your child! (Come to the Fun Run on JANUARY 18)
We asked the Fun Run experts at Boosterthon to power our Fun Run and make it more profitable, easier, and fun. Check out the fundraising page for more info.